KewBnB, also trading as Kew Garden Cabin, is a provider of bed and breakfast accommodation for exclusive use by up to two adult guests. The provision of our services are governed by the following terms and conditions, to which you tacitly agree upon confirmation of your reservation. We will endeavour to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, based on mutual respect and reasonable obligations to one another. Should you require further clarification feel free to email us.
• No smoking, vaping, candles, incense etc on our premises (excludes outdoors vaping).
• We do not accept accompanying pets. Please note that our own resident dog, a small poodle, is free to roam the garden (please ensure side passage gates remain closed). Also note that urban foxes are common in Kew and you may encounter them in our garden (or on the road). Their night-time cries can be unnerving, for those unfamiliar with the sound, but they are harmless, timid creatures. However, foxes are inquisitive and hence we encourage guests to use the window restrictors provided.
• Those with mobility difficulty should note that cabin access requires negotiating a gravel path and two doorsteps. Regrettably, this renders the cabin unsuitable for wheelchair use. Additionally, tall persons should note that doorways are under 2 metres and the bathroom ceiling is 2 metres high.
• We provide a compact, self-contained cabin with en suite shower facilities, located at the rear of our communal garden, with independent access via a side passage. The cabin has a British king size double bed (150cm wide x 195cm long), a work-desk and kitchenette. Additional beds or child cots/cribs are not available.
• The kitchenette is provisioned with: fridge-freezer, microwave, toaster, kettle and a Nespresso. Additionally, crockery, cutlery and glasses are provided
• As a courtesy to other guests, please avoid heating spicy foods or using strong scents, as these tend to leave lingering odours that can last days.
• Self-service starter breakfast (continental style) is provided in the cabin. Typically this includes: tea, coffee, sugar, milk, juice, crumpets, butter, jam, muesli and plain yoghurt.
• To avoid cutting short your stay, it is imperative to observe house rules, especially:
1. Only flush toilet paper in the macerator toilet (absolutely nothing else e.g. no sanitary or cosmetic products of any kind).
2. No food waste to be washed down the sink (leftovers, coffee grounds, fats, oils etc).
Bins are provided in the bathroom and by the kitchenette (in addition to an outdoors bin for clean recycling, so as not to attract foxes).
• Guests are provided with entrance and cabin keys. For mutual security, the side passage gates must remain securely closed. There is a £50 locks replacement fee, in the event of key loss.
• Free unfiltered internet access is available, but we cannot guarantee uninterrupted service, nor the quality, security or probity of online content. Guests must not download or upload any illicit material or code, or anything deemed as threatening or offensive, or that requires excessive bandwidth. We also offer streaming TV, but cannot guarantee the quality of service.
• Guests are asked to wear the rubber soled sandals provided, whilst indoors.
• Check-in from 3 pm to 10 pm and check-out by 10 am. However, we may be able to offer some leway on times, depending on turnover. By arrangement, guests are welcome to leave bags with us on the day of arrival or departure.
• To forestall undue concern or cancelation, guests should keep us posted (text or e-mail) about any changes regarding arrival. If you fail to check in by 10 pm (22:00 hours local time) of the appointed day, your reservation will be cancelled unless you have alerted us to an unavoidable delay, in which case, at our discretion, we may hold your reservation whilst retaining the right to charge for any unused night(s).
• Upon arrival, guests may be required to provide proof of identity. Guests are also encouraged to provide emergency contact details (preferably via email).
• To avoid triggering an emergency response, guests should notify us if they intend spending any night away, during the period of their stay with us.
• Roadside parking is readily available, but permits are required during weekdays between 10 am and 12 noon. Upon request, we'll provide free parking tickets, for a single car, for up to ten days. Guests are responsible for the correct display of daily permits, or moving their vehicles between the hours of 10 am and 12 noon. Note that our property is within the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), making your vehicle potentially liable for additional charges, depending on its age and type.
• Clothes washing facilities are not on offer. However, dry cleaning and laundrette services are available within 5 minutes walk.
• Those with pronounced aversion to noise should note that the whole of Kew is subject to varying levels of aircraft noise. Additionally, fox barks or screeches may be heard during the night. Train or other disturbances are seldom of concern in this residential neighbourhood.
• Prospective guests must notify us of any special requirements or circumstances (dietary or otherwise), prior to confirmation of reservation.
• We only take reservations from and for adults (18 years plus—our premises are unsuitable for children). All reservations must be confirmed by us, via email, and require your mobile (cell) contact number. Reservations are typically only accepted for the person making the reservation (by you, for you and any partner), not for third parties. In the rare event of us accepting a third party reservation, both the person making the reservation and the third party guest(s) will be tacitly bound by these terms and conditions. Guests may not transfer their booking, in par or in total, to any third party without prior written consent from us. In such an event, we reserve the right to insist on cancellation, as per our cancellation terms (see below). Note that if any doubt as to identity should arise, guests may be required to produce photo ID (e.g. driving licence, passport) and that use of our premises is restricted exclusively to our booked guest(s).
• Our premises are monitored by external cameras (entrance, front and back gardens).
• Under no circumstances may our premises be used for any form of self-isolation, quarantining or convalescence (see COVID). Nor may our premises be used for any for-profit activity whatsoever (e.g. business or promotional pursuits), or for social gatherings, parties etc (absolutely no third parties).
• We’ll respect guests’ privacy by maintaining distance and restricting interactions to check-in and check-out, or to provide support. We also do not disclose personal information (see privacy). But likewise, we expect you to respect our privacy and that of our home by not, for example, publicly posting online or elsewhere, photos or films of our premises, without consent.
• Medical & Dental Services
Depending on nationality or residency status, you may not be eligible for free NHS health services (you should have appropriate insurance).
• Disposal of Property
We shall notify you, by email, should any of your belongings be left on our premises. In the absence of any reply, or a failure to make reasonable arrangements, we may dispose of said items 10 days following your check out (at no cost or liability to ourselves).
• Accidental Damage
At our absolute discretion we may require payment (prior to the end of your stay) for the cost of repair or replacement, due to damage or breakage caused by you.
• Code of Conduct.
At our absolute discretion we may cancel your reservation or terminate your stay with us as a consequence of: false representation; offensive or antisocial behaviour; negligent or wilful damage to property; dangerous or illicit activities. If, in our opinion, reasonable norms of social conduct have been breached, you will forfeit all rights to our services and we shall require you to leave, with immediate effect. Additionally, we shall be under no obligation to refund you for any outstanding period, and you may be held accountable for any loss or damage we may incur.
• Force Majeure
Unexpected circumstances whereby it becomes impracticable or unsafe for us to fulfil our obligations (prior to or during your stay). In such an event (e.g. plumbing or electrical failures, services interruption, damage by previous occupier, or public safety issues including COVID), we will endeavour to mitigate disruption by suggesting alternative accommodation, but can offer no guarantees (we refund any unused nights, less transaction fees).
• We regret that we cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to guests' belongings, nor for accidental injury sustained whilst on our premises.
All reservations are conducted via email as follows:
1. You submit a request via our contact form;
2. We verify availability and issue payment instructions;
3. We confirm reservation upon receipt of funds.
All reservation requests are on a first-come first-served basis.
We do not take reservations more than 6 months in advance.
We do not take street callers or telephone reservations.
• Typically, payment is taken in GBP-£ , via bank transfer, through (We also accept bank transfers in EUR-€ or USD-$.) We reserve the right to alter the manner in which we accept or refund payments, and to change service providers (e.g. PayPal or Wise).
• We issue email invoices for full payment in advance. Reservations are typically held for three business days, from invoice date of issue, to allow funds to clear. Thereafter, requested dates are no longer guaranteed (e.g. due to conflicting requests) and outstanding invoices are tacitly cancelled, without prior notice . We strongly advise prospective guests not to pay invoices outstanding beyond the three day grace period without first contacting us, as this may incur a 10% refund fee in addition to deduction of all transaction costs and possible exchange rate losses.
Reservations will only be confirmed (via email):
1. Upon full funds clearing to our account;
2. If the dates are still available (in cases of late payment, beyond the three day grace period).
Cancellation & Refund
We only accept cancellation via email, which determines the level of refund, based on the UK date of email receipt, as follows:
• 90% refund for cancellation 30 or more days prior to check-in;
• 50% refund for cancellation from 29 and 8 days prior to check-in;
• No refund for cancellation less than 8 days prior to check-in.
Partial cancellation (to a minimum of 3 nights), is subject to a pro rata refund applicable to the cancelled nights, as per the above rules. We also refund in full, for cancellation due to the reintroduction of national COVID restrictions preventing travel. Additional refunds, due to any other circumstances, are entirely at our discretion.
In all cases, refunds only apply to funds cleared to our account deducted of all transaction costs (and potentially subject to exchange rate fluctuations). Refunds are typically credited to the original source of payment and usually require a minimum of 3 business days to process, but a week or more in some instances.
These Terms and Conditions and the agreement tacitly entered into upon payment of your reservation, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England, UK, and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Finally, we do not ask for testimonials, but welcome constructive feedback.
E&OE - Subject to change without notice
Last revised 9 December 2024